April 6: Virtual Potluck & Butter Demo

Food at our last in-person potluck.

Monday, April 6, 2020
Begins promptly at 6:00 PM

This was originally planned as our regularly scheduled potluck. We decided to keep the day and time and have it as a “Virtual Potluck”. What is a virtual potluck? you might ask. Well, we’ll find that out together as I just made it up! As at our regular potlucks, we will check in with everyone to see what they’ve brought (or made recently). We will discuss foods and in particular how you are feeding yourself during this current situation. How do you cook from stored foods? How do you safely go to the grocery store? How do you locate locally grown nutrient-dense foods? What foods are you growing at home?

This meeting will be fully interactive! Please hook up camera and microphone if possible so that you may fully participate. Bringing food to the virtual potluck is not required, but it is highly encouraged (unfortunately there will be no sharing bites). If you don’t have a camera on your computer you can photograph something you’ve made recently and share it with us as a still photo.

Local Eugene Chapter volunteer and chef, Courtney Queen, from the recipe blog Butter For All will be demonstrating making cultured butter!

(Click on the blue button above, and follow directions)

Hope to see you there!

More info: