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Eugene Chapter, Weston A. Price Foundation

Looking for food or health care?

Please note, The Eugene Chapter, WAPF does not sell any foods directly, or schedule healthcare appointments.


Contact Us:

The Eugene Chapter is an all VOLUNTEER-run organization. We will get back to you ASAVP (As Soon As Voluntarily Possible).
This form sends to Lisa, the volunteer Chapter Leader.

Please Send Feedback

What do you think of the Eugene Chapter events? What events you would like to attend? What do you think of our current schedule? Our potlucks are the second Monday of each month and DVDs are on either the third or fourth Friday? What days/times work best for you? (Note: If you like our current schedule be sure to let us know that too, because if there are more suggestions for another day we might change it!) Do you have suggestions for a community food preparation event? Take a moment to email your thoughts and ideas about Eugene Chapter activities.

The Eugene Chapter is a volunteer run organization.  Please Get Involved!