Conference Recordings 50% Off in October

If you aren’t attending the Wise Traditions conference November 15-17 in Allen, Texas, or if you are attending and want to see every presentation, this is an opportunity for you!

Purchase the live stream and on demand recordings for a 50% discount by October 31!

Use coupon code: WESTON50

You’ll be able to enjoy the 44 recorded presentations as often as you like with no expiration, and the special offer extends to the flash drive and DVD versions as well.

Learn about how ancestral wisdom meets modern science … about traditional diets, how to ferment, make broth, heal, read labels, fast intermittently … learn the latest research about hormones, iron, homeopathy, root canals, antidepressants and so much more!

20th Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation

20th Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation
Allen, Texas
November 15-17

Sally's seminar 2019In my 20s when I saw my energy and focus dwindling, I began asking the question what should I eat? I found many different suggestions but could not decide which made the most sense. I eliminated junk food, I eliminated meat and eventually all animal foods after reading a book on one person’s ideas about healthy eating. But I was not convinced it was the best and what proof was there? Finally, I learned about observations made of people who were healthy and eating the foods that they had learned about from their parents, grandparents and back for generations. They were healthy and were eating according to real practices of their healthy ancestors, not a recent theory about diet. I learned about this from a conversation and a book by Sally Fallon Morell. This information changed my life in changing my dietary choices. I have never turned back and have more energy in my 50s than I had in my 20s.

Sally Fallon Morell is giving an all-day seminar at our Texas conference this year! This seminar has changed countless lives. Sally presents not her theories but information about what healthy people of the past ate. The seminar is engaging, the points are made clearly and the practical points are helpful.

I would recommend this for anyone who is new to our way of eating or even people who know this information but want to understand it even better. People can attend one day or all three. I recommend this talk for everyone at least once.

Learn about Sally’s presentation and all the other remarkable speakers: 

Flash membership drive! 25% Discount before Sept 9

If you are not already members of the Weston A. Price Foundation, we’d like to encourage everyone to take advantage of this great discount!

WAPF is offering a 25% discount on memberships before September 9th.

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a member supported non-profit and relies on your financial contributions to fund our podcast series, two websites, social media presence, research, articles, advocacy and educational efforts worldwide. Members receive our quarterly Wise Traditions journal, exclusive access to our closed members-only Facebook forum, yearly recommendations on foods to purchase and restaurants to visit. We have not raised our membership fee since we were established! Join us now at a discount as we celebrate our 20-year anniversary this month!


You can also find it on Facebook:

Sandrine Perez (Portland Chapter Leader), said:

As the Weston A. Price Foundation celebrates 20 years, they’ve offered new members an opportunity to join at a 25% discount! I’d love to see more of our local community support them with critical funds before September 9! They have not raised the membership fee in their 20 years!

I’ve been a member myself since 2004! I understand that when information is freely offered, such as their articles and podcasts are, folks may not realize that it is not free to research and publish/produce it. This is a member supported non-profit, and without members, they could not continue to operate. In the spirit of mutuality and sustainability, please join in appreciation for all the you’ve received.




Thank you so much!

Kathy Kramer

Heal the gut and more – GAPS speaker in November!

Wise Traditions Conference 2019

November 15-17, 2019 – Delta Hotel Marriott, Allen, TX North Dallas

Our 20th Conference!

Is life-time avoidance of certain foods the only way to deal with gut issues? Is there something I could do to heal leaky gut? Can gut issues be behind other health problems?

Becky Plotner will answer these questions.

Becky Plotner is the author of GAPS, Stage by Stage, With Recipes. She serves on the GAPS board of directors and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, the author of GAPS, chose Becky as “The GAPS Expert” to teach others about GAPS including her certified GAPS practitioners. Because of GAPS, Becky’s son has recovered from autism, ADHD, hypoglycemia and dyslexia and she has walked away from IBS, POTS, PCOS, cancer, stage two spinal degeneration, stage four adrenal fatigue, Lyme disease, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, heavy metal poisoning, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, chronic H. pylori infection, systemic candida and eczema. Becky has the training and experience to help you learn this healing diet.

Here are a few of the other must-hear speakers coming to this year’s event:

Peter Ballerstedt, PhD, Forage Agronomist at Barenbrug USA. Peter is passionate about sustainable ruminant animal production systems–the source of butter, red meat and cheese! You will be informed and entertained as he shares how this affects your diet and health.

Janine Farzin, WPF co-chapter leader in Chicago and the author of her blog Offally Good Cooking. Janine is doing the groundwork for a WAPF-inspired school and community kitchen.

Dr. Ben Edwards, conventional doctor turned integrative-functional medical practitioner. He is the founder of Veritas Medical and now oversees three additional clinics in Texas.

In addition to these incredible speakers we have some great exhibitors attending and delicious meals planned for you!

Save $25 with Early Bird Registration ending September 21st… Click here to register now

Becky Plotner is a traditional naturopath, a certified GAPS practitioner and doctor of pastoral sciences. She is literate in Lyme and in iodine. She is the owner and writer for Nourishing Plot and GAPS Protocol Help. Plotner wrote the book GAPS, Stage by Stage, With Recipes, with ample guidance and direction from Dr. Natasha as well as the book Food Probiotics vs Commercial Probiotics. She serves on Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s GAPS board of directors. She trains certified GAPS practitioners and GAPS coaches on the GAPS protocol.

Be sure to get the Early Bird discount! Register today!

Early Bird deadline is September 20th. CLICK HERE to Register!


WAPF Celebrates 20th Anniversary! – Take the 50-50 Pledge

This comes to us from the The Weston A Price Foundation:

Support your local farmer

September 2, 2019 marks the 20 year anniversary of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and we plan to celebrate the whole month!

We are asking our members to help us celebrate twenty years of accurate information on diet and health by committing to support local farms.  We call it the 50-50 Pledge: spend at least 50 percent of your food dollar by purchasing raw milk and raw milk products, eggs, poultry, meat and produce directly from local farmers and artisans. With the other 50 percent of your food dollar you can celebrate how small the world has become and enjoy, for example, rice, pineapple and spices from other parts of the world.

If you have gotten out of the habit of direct farm purchases or never started the habit, here’s how to renew your efforts to support local farmers:

  1. Contact your local chapter leader . Local chapters keep a food resource list and will be able to tell you where the pasture-based farms near you are located. Many chapters also help organize food drop-offs and deliveries.
  2. Visit to find sources of raw milk and other farm products near you. Our raw milk farmers need your support!
  3. Subscribe to the Find Real Food App for a resource of local foods.
  4. Go to to find family farms in your neighborhood.



1 .a person whose diet consists only or principally of locally grown or produced food.

Learn more about the origins of the word “locavore” coined by Jessica Prentice who has presented at our Wise Traditions conference, been interviewed for our podcast  and has received our activist award.

The Weston A Price Foundation | September 1, 2019 at 4:05 pm | Categories: 2019 Action Alerts, Action Alerts |

Locally here in the Willamette Valley we can take advantage of the Locally Grown Directory also see Find Nutrient-Dense Foods

The 20th Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation

Wise Traditions 2019

The 20th Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation

Ancestral Health Meets Modern Science


November 15-17 * north of Dallas, Texas


All registered by July 31st will be entered into our drawing for $100 refund on your registration.


Join us in Texas to meet and learn from these impressive speakers:


Informative practical talks:

Sally Fallon Morell, MA, author of Nourishing Traditions

Becky Plotner, ND, expert on GAPS

Janine Farzin, expert on school lunches

Esther Gokhale, author of 8 Steps to a Pain-free Back

Leslie Bobb and Lyndsay Gutierrez, fermentation experts

Monica Corrado, MA, CNC, traditional food chef

Sandeep Agarwal, expert on ghee & Indian cuisine

Andrew Gardner, expert on animal fat skin care

Bloggers panel with Carrie Vitt, Kelly Moeggenborg & Mandy Blume


Interesting science-based talks:

Peter Ballerstedt, PhD, expert on ruminant agriculture
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Natalie Campbell, vaccine researcher

Tom Cowan, MD, author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart

David Diamond, MD, expert on cardiovascular disease

Ben Edwards, MD, of the Root Cause Protocol

Anthony Jay, PhD, author of Estrogeneration

Kiran Krishnan, expert on intestinal flora

Robert Quinn, DAOM, LAc, founder of Kamut International

Karen Randall, DO, emergency medicine physician

Pam Schoenfeld, RD, co-director Healthy Nation Coalition

Stephanie Seneff, PhD, expert on glyphosate

Joseph Tarantolo, MD, existential psychiatrist

Jerry Tenant, MD, author of Healing is Voltage

Timothy Weeks, DC, author of Whole Body Health

Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND, author of Radical Medicine

Lindsea Willon, expert on insulin resistance

Will Winter, DVM, expert on pastured livestock

Nasha Winters, ND, LAc, co-author The Metabolic Approach to Cancer


For further information: or phone (540) 722-7104



Work exchange application deadline July 31st * Early bird discount until September * Membership discount for registrants


Want local meat? Tell Congress to pass the PRIME Act

This comes to us from the Weston A. Price Foundation. Please take a moment to read this email and then call your Senators and Representative.  None of them have co-sponsored these bills, please ask them to do so.  I called all three and it only took about 7 minutes (we suggest saving their numbers in your phone!).

In this area they are:

Senator: Merkley, Jeff 

313 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-3753

Senator: Wyden, Ron 

221 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5244

Representative: DeFazio, Peter

Washington, DC Office
2134 Rayburn Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
phone: 202-225-6416

Want local meat? Tell Congress to pass the PRIME Act

As consumer desire for local, grass-fed meat grows, it’s increasingly difficult for farmers to meet the demand due to a shortage of government-inspected slaughterhouses.

Current federal law bans the sale of meat to consumers unless it has been processed in a USDA-inspected facility or under a state inspection program with the exact same standards as the USDA facilities. These regulations are designed for the large, industrial-scale processors, and they are too expensive and difficult to meet for most small-scale processors who work with local farmers.

With few slaughterhouses available to small farmers, many have to haul their animals for several hours, resulting in increased expenses, higher prices for consumers, and unnecessary stress on the transported animals.

“Custom” slaughterhouses, for which states can set their own inspection standards, do exist, and many farmers already have much closer access to one of these facilities. But current federal law provides that these facilities may only process meat for the person or persons who owned the animal when the slaughter took place. This means the customer(s) must buy the whole animal while it is still alive – buying a large amount of meat all at one time, without even knowing how much meat they’ll end up with or what their price per pound will be. This is not feasible for most farmers or consumers!

H.R. 2859/ S.1620, known as the PRIME Act, addresses this problem by repealing the federal ban on the sale of meat from custom slaughterhouses.   The bill allows states to set their own standards for the sale of meat within the state processed at a custom slaughterhouse.

The PRIME Act is a win-win-win: we can increase farmers’ incomes, increase consumer access to locally raised meat, reduce federal regulations on small businesses, cut down on fossil fuel use, and improve animal welfare.

Filed by Representative Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky), Representative Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), and Senator Angus King (I-ME), the PRIME Act already bipartisan support with 17 co-sponsors from over a dozen states – but we need to build more support in order to move it forward. Will you help?


Call your U.S. Representative and Senators and urge them to sign on to H.R. 2859 and S. 1620. You can look up who represents you at or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Below is a sample message for your call or email. Remember that calls have a greater impact, and only take a couple of minutes. Use this sample message as a starting point – tailor it to your own language and focus on why this issue is important to you. Personalized messages are the best way to convince legislators!

As a constituent, I urge Representative ____ to co-sponsor H.R. 2859, the PRIME Act.   [OR: I urge Senator ___ to co-sponsor S.1620, the PRIME Act]

This bill opens up more options for small farms and ranches, and thus for the consumers who want to buy from them. The bill simply removes the federal ban on the sale of meat from custom slaughterhouses directly to consumers and venues serving consumers within a state, subject to state law. This returns power to the states to establish a regulatory scheme that makes sense for their citizens.

The PRIME Act supports local food production and small businesses, while also reducing vehicle miles traveled with livestock trailers and helping to meet the consumer demand for locally raised foods.

Please support our local farmers and consumer choice by co-sponsoring H.R. 2859.

City, State


If you are a livestock producer, take a few extra minutes and ask to speak to the staffer who handles agricultural issues. Briefly explain to the staffer any problems you have faced with lack of access to inspected slaughterhouses, and how the PRIME Act would help your business and benefit your customers.

NOTE: If your Representative is already a co-sponsor, be sure to say “Thank you!” when you call.

H.R. 2859 co-sponsors:

  • Justin Amash (R-MI)
  • Andy Biggs (R-AZ)
  • Tim Burchett (R-TN)
  • Joe Courtney (D-CT)
  • Rodney Davis (R-IL)
  • Jeff Duncan (R-SC)
  • Matt Gaetz (R-FL)
  • John Garamendi (D-CA)
  • Jared Golden (D-ME)
  • Mark Green (R-TN)
  • Jared Huffman (D-CA)
  • Steve King (R-IA)
  • Thomas Massie (R-KY)
  • Tom McClintock (R-CA)
  • Mark Meadows (R-NC)
  • Carol D. Miller (R-WV)
  • Alexander X. Mooney (R-WV)
  • Scott Perry (R-PA)
  • Chellie Pingree (D-ME)
  • Elise Stefanik (R-NY)
  • Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)

1620 was filed Senator Angus King (I-ME) and is co-sponsored by Rand Paul (R-KY) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN)

The Weston A. Price Foundation Newsletter

The Weston A. Price Foundation Newsletter

March 2019

WISE TRADITIONS 2019 CONFERENCE – Mark your calendars!

We have picked a place! Our 20th annual conference will be held outside Dallas, Texas on November 15-17, 2019 with the guided farm visit on Monday, November 18!

We will be at the Delta Hotel by Marriott, a beautiful new hotel in Allen, Texas. Details will follow soon.


We have a new trifold on the dangers of vaccines! You may print it out [link] or order it from us [link]. This is a great way to warn parents about vaccine ingredients; includes information on building natural immunity in your children.

You can also help by signing a White House petition for an independent vaccine safety commission. It only takes a minute to let your voice be heard.  You can sign the petition [here].


Due to increased censorship on social media of content that questions the safety and efficacy of vaccinations, we have set up a public page on MeWe! Download the app or use a browser to join MeWe: and then follow our page: This is the QR code as another option to follow us:

Pinterest no longer allows anyone to pin any of the articles or pages from our website even if it they are not about vaccines, and YouTube has restricted channels and videos that focus on the risks of vaccines. We will continue to post on Facebook and YouTube as long as we can in addition to posting on MeWe. We are excited to have an alternative platform established and hope you’ll join us!


Please join WAPF in supporting a documentary film on the importance of animal foods and healthy traditional fats: Big Fat Lie: How America’s Plan for Eating Got it So Wrong. See the trailer and donation request here:


We will continue our offer to current members to receive a free membership. If you give two NEW gift memberships, let us know and we will renew your membership for free for one year.  (This amounts to three memberships for $80.)


As a member, you can join the community in our closed Facebook group. If you wish to join, please send a request to join the group at this link (be sure to answer the questions provided):

OR Alert for forced Vaccination: Testimony March 21

OR Alert for forced VaccinationThis comes to us from our parent organization, The Weston A. Price Foundation.  While the primary mission of the Foundation is nutritional, you may want to read some of the facts about vaccines to see why they decided to take a stand on this very controversial topic: VaccineFlyer2019.pdf and more here: Vaccinations

If anyone would like to carpool to Portland, let me know and I will help connect drivers and riders.

Dear Oregonians,

House Bill 3063, that will remove all non-medical vaccine exemptions in Oregon, has been voted out of the  Oregon House Health Care Committee and is now being heard by the Ways and Means Committee to consider the budgetary impact.

Testimony will be heard in a session in Portland, Oregon on March 21 at 5:30 pm.

Please attend if possible and/or write to this list of members: They will be taking public testimony and we encourage you to prepare a 2 minute statement. Even if you don’t want to testify, please come as your presence is valuable. Talking points and a “copy and paste” email list is provided below in the action alert.

Beyond this week, see what you can do ongoing:


This bill, and an added amendment, would not allow Oregon children to attend public schools, private schools, and charter schools unless they have had all vaccines listed on the Oregon Health Authority schedule.  Broadly interpreted, the law could include exclusion form school sports programs, music programs, churches that have daycares, and after school clubs. So that means that even if a child was missing a single vaccine, they may not be allowed to attend a school play held after hours, or a church service on a Sunday if the church had a daycare on the premises that operated during the week.

Oregon has some of the strictest exclusion criteria when it comes to obtaining a medical exemption. They are as follows:

  • Severe Anaphylaxis or Encephalitis : DTaP, MMR, HIB, Hep B, HPV
  • Severe Immunodeficiency : MMR, Varicella
  • Intussusception : Rotavirus

As you can see, the list is very short and essentially requires that a child has responded adversely to a prior shot before qualifying for the exemption. Furthermore, it is Oregon Health Authority who has the final say in granting these exemptions, not your doctor.

There are about 31,500 children who have a non-medical vaccine exemption in Oregon. Schools in Oregon could lose up to 400 million dollars in revenue. This bill could cause over 6,000 children with an IEP to lose services. This bill could segregate children due to their vaccine status from extra curricular and sports activities.

Action Alert

Public testimony will be heard by the Ways and Means committee in a session in Portland, Oregon on March 21 at 5:30pm. Please attend if possible, whether or not you’d like to testify, and/or write to this list of members: All the emails are here:

Let them know the financial impact to you and your family if this bill passes, ask them to consider how the state will deal with the loss of income they’ll incur, let them know that children will be pulled from school because there are thousands of parents that won’t be coerced to vaccinate. They will choose to homeschool, or leave the state, which will result in financial loss. Ask them to consider the cost involved to enforce this bill, the cost in increased public assistance, the cost to the work force, the impact on the real estate market if people choose to sell their homes and leave the state!

You may ask questions! Example:

How will you enforce whether unvaccinated or partially vaccinated children attend a school play or a sports event after hours if the bill is broadly interpreted? Would you have to hire people and equipment to check every child who attends? What about the parents, would you mandate that every single adult be vaccinated to attend the event? What if grandma visits from another state, is she blocked entry to the  event? Do people have to share their medical history with school or hired staff? What about HIPAA? What kind of infrastructure will be necessary to create to enforce all this and at what cost?

Letter sent by a parent:

Subject: School Funding

Dear Ways and Means Committee,

Thank you for your time to hear my concerns on the financial aspects of House Bill 3063, the bill to remove religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions. I would like to respectfully ask if the state is ready to manage the financial implications that will entail with passing this bill? Upon examination, it is my opinion that this bill will create a significant financial burden for our state as I mention next.

As prioritizing K-12 education funding is one of the principles of this committee, what about the students who, under amendment 13, will be expelled from public school? The loss of education has been viewed as “an unintended consequence” of this bill. HB 3063 will dismiss over 31 thousand students from Oregon schools and the number is closer to 35 thousand including daycare and preschool. How will Oregon address the estimated loss of 188 million dollars in revenue to public schools? With the decrease in students, how many Oregon teachers will lose their jobs? Will this bill take away funds from the districts these students leave?

It is estimated 6,000 IEP students will be expelled. Will OHP take over the cost of providing those services as federal education dollars won’t be covering their services in public school anymore?

There may be mental health implications for the segregated students as they lose their friends, teachers, access to health services, free lunch, attending field trips, etc. How will the increased cost incurred by OHA for providing mental health services to these students be addressed?

For parents being held hostage between choosing daycare and education for their children, following their religious and philosophical beliefs or loss of income if one parent has to stay home with their children, how will the loss of parental income be addressed? As two income families go to one income, it will decrease state income tax and increase families qualifying for OHP, WIC and SNAP. How will this potential shift in revenue and expenses be managed?

What are the financial implications of enforcing this bill? What is the cost of the infrastructure necessary to police this bill and at what cost to the state? How will students be identified without it being a violation of HIPPA? This bill is listed as “emergency” and thus would go into effect immediately. Is the state ready to manage this immediately without time to prepare the infrastructure much less review the cost?

The right to medical freedom is on the line and if this bill passes, not only will there be significant consequences on the lives of so many children and their families, but on the financial stability of our state.

I urge you to please take the time to dig deep into the financial implications of this bill, and how it will impact our state.

Thank you for hearing my concerns.

For additional information see:

Help Protect Vaccine Exemptions in Oregon

by The Weston A Price Foundation

The Oregon Legislature is considering a bill that would further restrict philosophical and religious exemptions to vaccination for your child.

Current vaccine exemption law in Oregon allows for philosophical and religious exemptions with either:

  • A signature from a health care practitioner verifying that the health care practitioner has reviewed with the parent information about the risks and benefits of immunization that is consistent with information published by the CDC and the contents of the vaccine educational module approved by the Oregon Health Authority, or
  • A certificate verifying that the parent has completed a vaccine educational module approved by the Oregon Health Authority.

HB 2783 would change the law to require both a signature from a health care practitioner AND completion of the module.

Restricting philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions lays the groundwork for removing them completely. Recently, State Rep. Mitch Greenlick, D-Portland confirmed that he has ordered up a bill to eliminate both philosophical and religious exemptions completely.

Please help us STOP HB 2783 by calling your state legislators today!  People should have the right to philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions without having to go through duplicative and burdensome steps.

Talking points, which explain more about the problems with HB 2783, are below the Take Action section.


Contact your Oregon State Representatives and urge them to oppose HB 2783.

You can look up who represents you here:

Calls are more effective than emails, and only take a few minutes.


Sample script:

“Hi, my name is ____ and I am a constituent.  I am calling to ask Representative____ to oppose HB 2783, which would further burden people who assert a philosophical or religious objection to vaccination.

Oregon law already requires either a signature from a health care practitioner or completion of an educational module.  HB 2783 would require both, which burdens parents with unnecessary and duplicative requirements.  If the parents have taken the educational module approved by the Health Authority, why should they also have to go through those same materials all over again and ask for a health practitioner’s signature?

The duplicative requirements are clearly designed simply to make it harder for the parents, at the expense of their religious and individual freedom.

Under the current law the Oregon vaccination rate is currently at approximately 94%.  There is no need to make it harder for people to assert philosophical or religious exemptions to vaccination.

I urge Representative _____ to oppose HB 2783.”

If you send an email, be sure to personalize it.  You may wish to use a couple of the talking points below.  Don’t copy all of them – just use them as ideas to help structure your own message.

TALKING POINTS for calls and emails:

  • You oppose any legislation that would make it more difficult to obtain philosophical or religious exemptions to vaccination in Oregon. Oregon already has a stringent process for claiming exemptions, by requiring either a health practitioner’s signature or completion of an education module – there’s no justification to make it even harder.
  • The Oregon vaccination rate is currently at approximately 94% for the 7 vaccines surveyed by the CDC. The existing philosophical and religious exemption does not threaten overall vaccination rates.

  • This legislation requires parents to essentially seek permission from a medical professional for exercising their religious and philosophical beliefs, which is inappropriate. The educational module already ensures that parents have information on the risks and benefits of vaccines to consider in light of their religious and philosophical beliefs.
  • The US Supreme Court recognizes vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe” and to cause injury and death in some recipients. The US Government has paid out approximately $4 billion to the victims of vaccine injury.  Hundreds of thousands have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination to VAERS.
  • Vaccine makers and the healthcare providers who administer them bear zero liability for vaccine injuries and deaths. Vaccine makers have no incentive to make vaccines safe.
  • Children today receive 69 doses of vaccines for 16 different viral and bacterial illnesses which more than doubles the government childhood schedule of 34 doses of 11 different vaccines in the year 2000.  Thirty-five doses and 5 more unique vaccines have been added to the schedule in the last 15 years. Those supporting forced vaccination are being dishonest by not acknowledging the exploding vaccine schedule while sounding alarms over small increases in overall non-medical exemptions.
  • The idea that unvaccinated individuals pose a health risk to others is unsupported in the medical literature. In fact, vaccinated individuals can pose greater risk to public health due to a process known as shedding.  Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards.



View BH 2783 here:

There are several other bills that currently need either your support or opposition in Oregon.

Please visit the The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) to learn more.