Heal the gut and more – GAPS speaker in November!

Wise Traditions Conference 2019

November 15-17, 2019 – Delta Hotel Marriott, Allen, TX North Dallas

Our 20th Conference!

Is life-time avoidance of certain foods the only way to deal with gut issues? Is there something I could do to heal leaky gut? Can gut issues be behind other health problems?

Becky Plotner will answer these questions.

Becky Plotner is the author of GAPS, Stage by Stage, With Recipes. She serves on the GAPS board of directors and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, the author of GAPS, chose Becky as “The GAPS Expert” to teach others about GAPS including her certified GAPS practitioners. Because of GAPS, Becky’s son has recovered from autism, ADHD, hypoglycemia and dyslexia and she has walked away from IBS, POTS, PCOS, cancer, stage two spinal degeneration, stage four adrenal fatigue, Lyme disease, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, heavy metal poisoning, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, chronic H. pylori infection, systemic candida and eczema. Becky has the training and experience to help you learn this healing diet.

Here are a few of the other must-hear speakers coming to this year’s event:

Peter Ballerstedt, PhD, Forage Agronomist at Barenbrug USA. Peter is passionate about sustainable ruminant animal production systems–the source of butter, red meat and cheese! You will be informed and entertained as he shares how this affects your diet and health.

Janine Farzin, WPF co-chapter leader in Chicago and the author of her blog Offally Good Cooking. Janine is doing the groundwork for a WAPF-inspired school and community kitchen.

Dr. Ben Edwards, conventional doctor turned integrative-functional medical practitioner. He is the founder of Veritas Medical and now oversees three additional clinics in Texas.

In addition to these incredible speakers we have some great exhibitors attending and delicious meals planned for you!

Save $25 with Early Bird Registration ending September 21st… Click here to register now

Becky Plotner is a traditional naturopath, a certified GAPS practitioner and doctor of pastoral sciences. She is literate in Lyme and in iodine. She is the owner and writer for Nourishing Plot and GAPS Protocol Help. Plotner wrote the book GAPS, Stage by Stage, With Recipes, with ample guidance and direction from Dr. Natasha as well as the book Food Probiotics vs Commercial Probiotics. She serves on Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s GAPS board of directors. She trains certified GAPS practitioners and GAPS coaches on the GAPS protocol.

Be sure to get the Early Bird discount! Register today!

Early Bird deadline is September 20th. CLICK HERE to Register!


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