November 12: Keto Support Group

The Keto Support Group is this Monday (not Wednesday). Thanks to the alert reader who caught my mistake!


Wednesday Correction: Monday, November 12, 2018

6:00 PM


Natural Grocers
201 Coburg Road
Eugene, OR 97401


Healing Diets

In this meeting we will discuss various healing diets and how they combine with Keto. What do Wise Traditions, GAPS, Paleo, AIP Paleo, and Keto all have in common? What do they focus on and what are the different goals of each method? Brian Gaudette will discuss how he reversed his health challenges using a combination of AIP Paleo and Keto.

I have made a page for information about the Keto Support Group, and a page of Keto Group References, where I will postĀ links to other websites or handouts that were mentioned in each meeting.

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