August 2020 Newsletter

Hi all,

I took most of July off from Weston Price volunteer stuff.  Did anyone miss me?

This month marks my 13 year anniversary of writing this newsletter, and I have to say, this one has been the hardest ever to write (partly why you didn’t get one last month). These are not the subjects I want to be talking about. I look forward to when we can return to our roots, discussing fermented foods, raw milk and fat soluble activators. But right now it feels important to discuss other issues. One of these issues is censorship.

My mom sent me a link to this video.  Now I can’t watch it.  YouTube censors videos with which they don’t agree.

In case you weren’t aware, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Constant Contact, and other web and social media platforms are now actively censoring their content. Videos, posts and web pages that share alternate views that contradict the mainstream position are being removed. Deleted. Gone.

Videos that I wanted to watch have disappeared

YouTube sites their “community guidelines” as justification.  Mainstream medicine has been ridiculing and marginalizing natural health treatments and practitioners for years.  They have campaigned against homeopathy, chiropractic and natural cancer therapies.  Now big data companies have resorted to new lows by removing videos on a variety of health topics that go against the mainstream narrative.  The Weston A. Price Foundation podcast has been censored by Google.

COVID-19 Conversations have become Politicized

I am very annoyed (to put it mildly) that conversations about COVID-19 have become so politicized. This is not about politics. It is about health and the right to choose for yourself. This video is an interview with a Google whistleblower who describes his experience of discovering Google’s manipulation of information, and their efforts to stop him from making his findings public.

I hesitated to share it because it shows that Google had political motivations for some of their censorship. I want to make it clear that The Weston A Price Foundation does NOT take sides on political issues. We’re are a 501c3 nonprofit organization, and we welcome people of all political and religious faiths. Like I said, this issue is not about politics, it is about freedom to listen to all opinions on the issues and make your own decisions.

Google Whistleblower Tells All

“Google Whistleblower Tells All”:

“Google Whistleblower Tells All” has been removed from YouTube but is miraculously still available on Facebook.

Dissenting voices must always be protected

This is why the First Amendment exists. Censorship is wrong, no matter who is doing it. Web and social media platforms that are participating in censorship are undermining our right to freedom of speech and attempting to rewrite history.

Although I see a lot of examples of stupidity, I believe that Americans are still intelligent enough to listen to opposing viewpoints and make decisions for themselves.  I hope you agree.  That is why we will be holding a COVID-19 Discussion Group this month to discuss the difficult questions surrounding COVID-19.

In preparation for the discussion group meeting you might want to read Lockdown Lunacy, which was sent to us by a local participant.  He says: “Lockdown Lunacy— The Thinking Person’s Guide to an Imaginary War” puts it all together in a clear, linear, scientific way.  You might also want to watch the Censored WAPF Podcast Episodes.  Take a look and decide for yourself.

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