COVID-19 Discussion Group


Monday, August 31, 2020

2:00 PM


This is an in person meeting (our first in over 5 months!).  We will meet outdoors in a park in Eugene.  RSVP and I will email you the location as soon as the location is confirmed.


Ever since the COVID-19 coronavirus was announced there have been people who have questioned the official narrative and the official recommendations.  There are many questions: Is the disease caused by the claimed virus? Do viruses actually cause disease?  Do we understand how the human immune system works?  Is the germ theory correct?  Is the terrain theory correct?  Has the virus been present in the US longer than officially reported?  Are there people who already have natural immunity?  Are there things we can do to improve our immune system? Do industrial pollutants, processed foods, 5G wireless technology or glyphosate contribute to severity or susceptibility?  Did lockdowns reduce the spread?  Did lockdowns increase the death rate? Should low risk people get the disease in order to increase herd immunity?

Are natural treatments effective against the condition? Why have natural treatments been censored?  Does the CDC and WHO have a conflict of interest?  Does Bill Gates have undo influence on health decisions?  Should scientists who disagree with the official recommendation be censored?  Is a holistic health approach more appropriate than a medical one? Should we wait for a vaccine?  Why do we believe there will be an effective vaccine for COVID-19 when there has never been a successful vaccine for any coronavirus before?  Should there be a placebo-controlled study?  Do we really want a vaccine that alters our DNA?  Should we mandate vaccines?  Will we achieve natural herd immunity without a vaccine?  What is our exit strategy?

Do you believe there are questions that are too dangerous to be discussed?  Do you feel censorship is justified? Does Freedom of Speech include what can and cannot be posted on the internet?  Does living in a free country mean that people have the right to ask questions and propose theories even if they are wrong?

If you want to have an open discussion on these or any other questions, come to this meeting.  I guarantee there will be people who disagree with you, and I guarantee there will be more questions than answers, but I feel it is important to have the difficult, controversial discussions.  The only requirement is that everyone must remain respectful of all views.  We welcome people of all race, religion and political affiliations.


We will not require masks or social distancing.  We trust that you know your health better than anyone and can make that decision yourself.  If you or someone in your household is medically fragile, we suggest you not come to this event.

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