August 24: Wise Conversations for WAPF Members

Another reason to become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation:


(This members-only meeting is popular and is something to mention to people who might be considering membership.)

Our next Wise Conversations Zoom meeting is August 24 at 3:00 pm ET with guest, Pam Schoenfeld, RD, LDN, long-time member, author for our journal and speaker at our conference. Pam is a registered dietitian who focuses on women’s hormonal, fertility, pregnancy, and lactation nutrition.

Pam will answer members’ questions about women’s health and common problems with infertility in women.

REGISTER IN ADVANCE for this members-only meeting (see below).

SUBMIT QUESTIONS by AUGUST 19: If you have a question for Pam on the topic above, email to

To prepare for this session, we recommend listening to our podcast interview with Pam:

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