Farm Bill 2012 Alerts – Call now!

This comes to us from the Farm And Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA):

June 14: The Senate is debating the Farm Bill right now, and there are several amendments that need your calls!

Please call your U.S. Senators as soon as possible about the amendments listed below. If you don’t know who represents you, you can find out at or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

MESSAGE: “I am a constituent from ____ (state), and I urge Senator _______ to:
1) Vote YES on the Paul Amendment #2180 to legalize interstate sales of raw milk;
2) Vote YES on the Grassley-Conrad Packer Ban Amendment #2170 to prohibit packer companies from owning livestock;
3) Vote YES on the Tester “Seeds & Breeds” Amendment #2234 to dedicate a portion of USDA’s research to classical breeding instead of genetically engineered seeds;
4) Vote NO on the Feinstein Amendment #2252 to impose uniform standards for egg production.”

More information on each amendment is provided below. The amendments could be voted on at any time, so don’t wait – call now!

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In this area, our Senators are:

Senator Ron Wyden: (202) 224-5244
Senator Jeff Merkley: (202) 224-3753

More info:

Food Democracy Now! recommends some additional amendments:

– Lisa