Legislative Threat to Supplements

This comes to us from Nick Gonzalez MD.  Dr. Gonzalez is a frequent speaker at the Wise Traditions Conference and a physician specializing in the treatment of cancer using diet, detoxification, and nutritional supplementation:

To All:

Last Friday, just before the Fourth of July weekend, Senator Dick Durbin (D, Illinois) introduced legislation, the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act, which would create an entirely new set of regulations and restrictions for supplement manufacture and sale. Senator Durbin has long been a strong supporter of the drug industry, a persistent enemy of nutritional supplements, and a friend of the FDA in its endless attempts to restrict supplement availability.

In typical fashion, Senator Durbin’s office waited until the Friday before a major holiday, hoping to get the legislation moving through the Senate without any awareness in the media or among groups advocating for freedom of choice in health care and the continued protection of supplement availability.  However, the Alliance for Natural Health USA learned of the impending bill, and the attempts to keep the legislation quiet have failed.

You can read about the legislation at the Alliance for Natural Health USA website:
Though as always, the legislation claims to “protect us,” it will give the FDA unneeded further authority to oversee and restrict supplement development and sale.  The FDA already has all the power it needs to investigate harmful supplements and restrict their availability.  It does not need more power or regulations in this regard.

This bill needs to be stopped.  We suggest you contact your Senators and express your strong opposition to this legislation.  Public outcry has derailed many similar pieces of legislation in the past, like the onerous anti-supplement bill sponsored by Senator McCain and announced with great fanfare at a press conference a year ago.

Express your opinion that the FDA requires no new regulations or authority to “protect us” from ourselves or from the dangers of supplements – which objective scientific reviews have clearly shown to be remarkably and consistently safe.

Letters to your Senators do make a difference.  Please write, and help us protect your freedom of choice in health care.  You can reach your Senators by clicking here: http://senate.gov/

Nicholas J. Gonzalez MD  36 E 36th Street, Suite 204, New York, NY 10016

Please take a moment to call or write your legislator (and then sign the online petition below).  Our Oregon Senators are:

Merkley, Jeff – (D – OR)
(202) 224-3753
Web Form: merkley.senate.gov/contact/

Wyden, Ron – (D – OR)
Web Form: wyden.senate.gov/contact/

Other links:
Article on Alliance for Natural Health: http://www.anh-usa.org/dietary-supplement-labeling-act-anh-usa-exclusive/
Online petition: https://secure3.convio.net/aahf/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=833
Article on NaturalNews: http://www.naturalnews.com/032912_FDA_dietary_supplements.html

March 26: DVD – Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System

by Nicholas Gonzalez

Friday, March 26, 2010
6:30 to 8:30 PM

Market of Choice
67 West 29th, Eugene
Upstairs in the Community Room

This DVD was recorded at the 2009 Wise Traditions Conference.

“Pioneering researchers such as Dr. Francis Pottenger Sr., Royal Lee and Dr. William Kelley have proposed over the last 90 years that much if not all disease has at its roots dysfunction and imbalance in the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS consists of those peripheral motor neurons that reach all tissues, organs and glands, and essentially regulate all metabolism and physiological function, from respiration, cardiovascular activity and digestion, from the mouth to the rectum, the secretion of hormones, the rate of metabolism and temperature regulation. The ANS consists of two branches, the sympathetic and parasympathetic, each with a distinctive anatomy, physiology and neurotransmitter chemistry. The two branches work in opposition from minute to minute, ideally helping to maintain homeostatic equilibrium twenty-four hours a day. Building on the work of Drs. Pottenger, Lee and Kelley, Dr. Gonzalez believes that some patients have an overly strong sympathetic system and correspondingly weak parasympathetic division, others a strong parasympathetic and weak sympathetic system. Such imbalance sets the stage for all manner of disease, from vision problems to cancer.In his talk Dr. Gonzalez will discuss how specific foods, their constituents including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, each influence autonomic function, and how the proper choice of diet and supplements can help bring an out-of-balance autonomic set of nerves back into balance, with resulting improved biochemical and physiological activity, and ultimately, good health.”

New Starting Time:
6:30 is now our regular starting time.

Dinner and a Movie:
You are welcome to buy food downstairs in Market of Choice or (shh, don’t tell them I told you this) bring something from home to eat in the room.

We need to have at least 5 people RSVP in order to reserve the space at Market of Choice, and there is a maximum of 25 seats available. So I urge you to RSVP if you think you will be attending. If your plans change feel free to just show up.

We are requesting a $5-10 donation to the Eugene Chapter at the door.
(No one should miss a showing because of cost, so a sliding scale for low-income people is $1-4 or volunteer to help the Eugene Chapter).

Feb 19: DVD – “The Use of Proteolytic Enzymes Against Cancer: The Origins of an Idea”

by Nicholas Gonzalez

Friday, February 19, 2010
6:30 to 8:30 PM
(Please note earlier starting time)

Market of Choice
67 West 29th, Eugene
Upstairs in the Community Room

This DVD was recorded at the 2009 Wise Traditions Conference.

“In his talk, Dr. Gonzalez will trace the evolution of the idea, beginning 100 years ago, that pancreatic proteolytic enzymes, above and beyond their well known digestive function, serve as our bodies’ main defense against cancer and are an effective anti-cancer supplement. He will discuss in some detail the work of Dr. John Beard, the pioneering English biologist who in elegant meticulous detail first proposed the enzyme hypothesis, and who along the way first identified stem cells and their probable role as the progenitor cancer cell—some 60 years before stem cells would be “rediscovered” in the 1960s, and 90 years before cancer researchers would propose that dysregulated stem cells are the culprit in malignant disease. Dr. Gonzalez will bring the enzyme concept up to date, presenting the experiences of Dr. William Kelley during the 1970s and 80s, and his own 20 year-experience using enzymes as a cancer treatment in his research studies and in his private practice. Throughout the talk, Dr. Gonzalez will emphasize the scientific support for the enzyme approach”

We need to have at least 5 people RSVP in order to reserve the space at Market of Choice, and there is a maximum of 25 seats available. So I urge you to RSVP if you think you will be attending. If your plans change feel free to just show up.

We are requesting a $5-10 donation to the Eugene Chapter at the door.
(No one should miss a showing because of cost, so a sliding scale for low-income people is $1-4 or volunteer to help the Eugene Chapter).