In-person meetings

Meetings for those who are not afraid to meet in person, and who enjoy making connections with friendship, smiles and support. All topics are allowed including politics, current events, spiritual beliefs, covid, health, healing and more.

If you’d like to talk with others who believe in the innate ability of our bodies to heal and the value of community, request more info.

1 comment to In-person meetings

  • Susanne Beaman

    I am not sure which group this is but I would like to meet with people in person where there is discussion re not wanting to get the vaccination and where there may be resources shared around health freedom and who to meet up with in regards to retaining our health freedom rights……I am a medical interpreter and have a housemate who works as a caregiver with seniors so I also have made a commitment to wear a mask if I am within groups outside our household bubble, and to maintain 6 foot distancing in respect to the people we serve….Could I come to your group and be accepted even though I maintin some distancing and perhaps wear a mask if others have been exposed to covid?…how does this work?….please let me know…thank you…