November 15: “A Healthy Future” Event at Polyface Farm

This comes to us from The Weston A. Price Foundation.  If you have any friends in the Virginia who might be interested in attending, let them know about it!

One-Day ‘Flash’ Event at Polyface

Since we had to cancel our big annual conference but really want to see people, we decided to put together a smaller event on Sunday of the same weekend that is akin to a FLASH sale. It’s a FLASH one-day conference! It’ll be much less formal than our annual conference (outdoors in a hoop house sitting on hay bales) yet still tons of fun! We have several speakers discussing how we can continue to build a healthy future through wise traditions.


“A Healthy Future” Event at Polyface Farm

Sunday, November 15; 9:00-5:00

Polyface Farm 43 Pure Meadows Lane, Swoope, Virginia 24479


Speakers include: Sally Fallon Morell, Joel Salatin, Del Bigtree, Mike Dickson and Hilda Labrada Gore


$50 per person

$20 for 7-20 year olds and children under 6 free (all must register)

Limited seating. Registration does not include lunch. BYOL (bring your own lunch), though hot dogs will be for sale at the farm!



No refunds after November 11. If you need to cancel, request a refund by November 11 at ($5 processing fee will apply.)





9:00-9:30         Registration

9:30-10:30       Farm Tour with Joel Salatin – Polyface Preparing for Winter


10:45-11:15     Hilda Labrada Gore, Wise Traditions podcast host

11:15-11:45     Mike Dickson, the Fit Farmer


11:45-12:45     Lunch – bring your own lunch

1:00-2:00         Sally FallonMorell, on her new book The Contagion Myth

2:00-3:00         Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm
3:15-4:15         Del Bigtree of The Highwire

4:15-5:00         Socializing and Good-byes



What about inclement weather? We are on, rain or shine. Dress for the elements.

Should I bring spending money? Yes! Sally will be selling books, WAPF will be accepting new members and Polyface Farm products will be available in the farm store.

Will masks be required?  They are optional.



We invite you to become a member for $10 off (use wapf10 coupon) to support our work and receive our quarterly journal:



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