November 2020 Newsletter

Greetings all!

We have two events this month that just happened to work out to be on the same day (November 10th).  One is online and the other is in person.  Take your pick or come to both!

Upcoming Events:

Community Connections:

I would also like to offer a service to everyone.  I have always included other community events in this newsletter as a service to our participants, but I am now broadening this category.  If you would you like to meet people (online or in person) to start a book club, exchange childcare, do an online homeopathy training, talk about health, go for a walk, or any other event, send me a description of what you want to create and how you want people to contact you, and I will include it in the next newsletter.  This will not be run by the Eugene Chapter, WAPF.  You can structure it however you want.  At this time I think community is one of the most important resources we have available to us.  Let me know how I can help facilitate this.

Also in this Issue:

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