Action Alert: HB 3063 has passed Ways & Means Committee

Dear Friends,

Since I wrote you last, HB 3063 has advanced through the Ways and Means Committee and it only has two votes left, one in the full house and one in the full senate. You will not have a vote.  We are running out of time.  It is expected to pass in two weeks.  We need you, now, to take a stand against this bill loudly and boldly.  We need more people to help us turn the ship around. If good people do nothing it will pass.

We need 15 no votes in the Senate and right now we have 13.  Our three Eugene area senators can collectively stop this bill.

HB 3063 will take away a parent’s right to delay, space out, or skip even one vaccine if they want their child to attend daycare, preschool, or any K-12 public or private school in Oregon.  

This bill promotes fear and hate.  It takes away a child’s access to a free and equitable education.  It segregates them. It is coercive and it prohibits informed consent.  This bill is too extreme.

The truth is that Oregon has high vaccination rates, above 95% of school children in Oregon are fully vaccinated.  Those numbers have been consistently high for many years. Only 2.6% of school children are unvaccinated. 

You can be pro-vaccine and be against this bill.  I wholeheartedly care about personal and public health.  There are many more positive ways our state can cultivate improved personal and public health.

Here are three things you can help:

  1. Please forward this email to all of your friends and family members who might care.  
  2. Every one of your voices needs to be heard!  Call your State Senator and tell them that you are their constituent and you want them to oppose HB 3063.  If you are a democrat please let them know that too. The Senators for the Eugene area are:
  • Floyd Prozanski  503-986-1704
  • Lee Beyer  503-986-1706
  • James Manning 503-986-1707

3.  Write a letter to your editor, do you know someone in the media who might be willing to do a piece on this, who in your network might be able to help us get the word out about this fast moving legislation?

If you don’t know who your Senator is you can easily find out by clicking on this link and entering your address:

(Even if you plan to homeschool or move if this bill passes.  Call your Senator and let them know you will not be coerced into making medical decisions and that you want them to oppose HB 3063.)

Feel free to reach out for more information or support.  


Stacey Black


To learn more about this bill and what you can do to help:

More info: HB 3063

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