April 2019: From the Editor

Hi all,

There’s a LOT going on this month!  The Eugene Chapter has our regular events:

Plus I’ve included information about other local events you might be interested in:

Hope to see you there!

April 4: HB 3063 info night

This comes to us from a local Eugene-area person working on this issue. We are including it here as a service to our members.

Time sensitive info and heartfelt request

Dear Friends,

I would like to alert you to a serious bill and ask you to help spread the word about it.

HB 3063 will take away a parent’s right to delay, space out, or skip even one vaccine if they want their child to attend daycare, preschool, or any K-12 public or private school in Oregon.

Additionally, a child who has not received every shot on the Oregon list will not be allowed to go to watch a high school soccer game, see a school concert, or play on a school playground or field with other children.

You can be 100% pro vaccine and still be against this bill.

There is an information night to learn more about the bill:

Thursday, April 4th
6:00 – 8:00 PM
4330 Willamette St.

Here are three simple ways you can help:

1. Please forward this email to any of your friends and family who might care. (We are especially trying to reach parents at the Village School, Eugene Waldorf School, The Family School, Far Horizons Montessori, The Chinese Immersion School, Nature Discovery School in Eugene, A3, Sahara Children’s School, Camas Ridge Community Elementary School, Auntie Nica’s, Patterson Preschool, Foundations Montessori Preschool, Dancing Sol, The Toy Box, and Hazelwood House.)

2. Come to the info night, put it into your calendar.

3. Every one of your voices needs to be heard! Call your State Senator and tell them that you are their constituent and you want them to oppose HB 3063. The Senators for the Eugene area are:

Floyd Prozanski 503-986-1704
Lee Beyer 503-986-1706
James Manning 503-986-1707

If you don’t know who your state Senator is you can easily find out by clicking on this link and entering your address: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/FindYourLegislator/leg-districts-mobile_new.htm

*Even if you plan to homeschool if this bill passes. Call your Senator and let them know you will not be coerced into making medical decisions and that you want them to oppose HB 3063.*

There is a very real possibility of this bill passing. Our three local Senators could stop it. Feel free to reach out for more information or support.


Stacey Black


To learn more about this bill:



April 6: Town Hall with Senator Manning

A group of concerned parents will be going to this meeting to urge the Senator to vote NO on HB 3063 (the bill that removes a parents right to delay, skip or opt out of even one vaccine).  If you would like to support them, please go and wear YELLOW.

Senator James I. Manning Jr represents North Eugene, West Eugene, Bethel, Santa Clara and Junction City in the Oregon State Senate

Town Hall

Representatives Julie Fahey and Nancy Nathanson will join Senator Manning in hosting a town hall to update you on the current legislative session.

Date: Saturday, April 6
Time: 2:30 to 4 p.m.
Location: North Eugene High School Cafeteria, 200 Silver Lane, in Eugene

Read More >>>


April 12: Potluck & 12 Spoons Restaurant Rating Guide

Friday, April 12, 2019

6:00 – 8:00 PM


Natural Grocers
201 Coburg Road
Eugene, OR 97401


Lisa will present information about the newly launched production of the Weston A. Price Foundation: 12 Spoons Restaurant Rating Guide.

What to bring?

Anything from Nourishing Traditions, the Healthy 4 Life booklet or Recipes of the Week would be wonderful.  A simple homemade meal made from scratch using natural fats is always a great contribution.

Some examples include: a roasted chicken or other meat, meat and vegetable casserole, a dish made with soaked grains, soup using homemade bone broth, pastured egg quiche or other egg dish, organic salad with homemade dressing, steamed or roasted vegetables with butter or cream sauce, fermented vegetables, fresh or cooked fruit with raw whipped cream.  If you come to the potlucks regularly, please try to bring a dish from a different category every so often.

Bring enough to share with everyone and be sure to include some traditional fats!

Children and guests welcome.  Please bring dishes and serving utensils for your dish.  Thanks!

For more information see: Potlucks & 12 Spoons

If you haven’t already given us your feedback on When should we have Potlucks? please go do that now.


April 12: Music for Mother Earth Concert in Eugene

And if you are not going to our potluck, you can head over for an evening of music.

Songs that address the Climate Issues of the day

Friday, April 12, 2019
7 to 9pm
UUCE, 13th & Chambers, Eugene, OR

Please see attached flyer for more information: UU Concert 4_12_19

April 13: That’s My Farmer

Another local event you should know about is:

That’s My Farmer
Saturday, April 13
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
First United Methodist Church
1376 Olive Street

Please see attached flier for more details: TMF-Poster2019


April 17: Cooking Demo – Keto Pizza


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

6:00 PM


Natural Grocers
201 Coburg Road
Eugene, OR 97401


Keto Pizza

Have you thought you’d never be able to have pizza again on your Keto diet? Come watch and sample delicious pizza made with all Keto approved ingredients!

There will be samples!

For more information see:

April 26: DVD – Vaccines, Autoimmunity & Changing Nature of Childhood Disease

Dr. Cowan is a popular speaker at Wise Traditions conferences and if you have never had the opportunity to hear him speak I highly recommend it. His talks defy easy description, combining medical knowledge and anthroposophy, with an entertaining story-telling style.  Come see for yourself!

by Thomas Cowan MDTom Cowan, MD

Recorded at the Wise Traditions 2018 Conference

Friday, April 26, 2019

DVD begins at 6:00 PM
(68 min.)


Natural Grocers
201 Coburg Road
Eugene, OR 97401


This presentation offers an overview of the healing nature of fever and childhood illnesses, and the role that intracellular water plays in the healing process. Dr Cowan addresses the rise in autoimmune disease and other chronic diseases, and how the immune system responds to vaccines versus wild disease. Then he looks at the tragic consequences of policies designed to thwart these natural processes.

One Doctor’s Surprising Answer to the Epidemic of Autoimmunity and Chronic Disease

Over the past fifty years, rates of autoimmunity and chronic disease have exploded: currently 1 in 2.5 American children has an allergy, 1 in 11 has asthma, 1 in 13 has severe food allergies, and 1 in 36 has autism. While some attribute this rise to increased awareness and diagnosis, Thomas Cowan, MD, argues for a direct causal relationship to a corresponding increase in the number of vaccines American children typically receive―approximately 70 vaccine doses by age eighteen. The goal of these vaccines is precisely what we’re now seeing in such abundance among our chronically ill children: the provocation of immune response.

Dr. Cowan looks at emerging evidence that certain childhood illnesses are actually protective of disease later in life; examines the role of fever, the gut, and cellular fluid in immune health; argues that vaccination is an ineffective (and harmful) attempt to shortcut a complex immune response; and asserts that the medical establishment has engaged in an authoritarian argument that robs parents of informed consent. His ultimate question, from the point of view of a doctor who has decades of experience treating countless children is: What are we really doing to children when we vaccinate them?

Tom Cowan, MD, is a holistic physician in private practice in San Francisco. He is the author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart; Vaccines, Autoimmunity & Changing Nature of Childhood Disease; The Fourfold Path to Healing; and co-author of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care.

Cost: Free – Donations requested

Donations of any amounts to the Eugene Chapter, Weston A. Price Foundation are appreciated.
$5-10 suggested for those who can afford it, and $1-4 for low-income.
(Please also volunteer to help the Eugene Chapter).

Want to see the DVD, but can’t attend?

Purchase your own copy from Fleetwood Onsite Recording:

31389 – Vaccines, Autoimmunity & Changing Nature of Childhood Disease $25.00

Monthly Weed ID Walks

A local participant shared this information at the last DVD showing:

Monthly Weed ID Walks

First Saturday of every month
11:30 am to 12:30 pm
GrassRoots Garden
1465 Coburg Rd.
Eugene, OR 97401

Please see attached flier for more information: Weed ID flier

And as always, check out the online version of this newsletter and our local Eugene area website for updates, link corrections and many more resources.

Eugene Area Resources:


– Lisa

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