Dr. Larry Bowden

Aesthetic Dentistry of Lake Oswego

17720 Jean Way, Suite 200
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035
phone: 503-675-7300
Web: aestheticdentistryoflakeoswego.com

Many people do not realize that “silver” amalgam fillings are 50% mercury. A large filling may contain as much mercury as a thermometer. Mercury vaporizes easily at room temperature, and in this state, is odorless, colorless and tasteless. Inhaled mercury vapor is readily absorbed into the bloodstream. The World Health Organization has concluded that dental fillings contribute more mercury to a person’s body than all other sources of mercury combined. Mercury is a powerful poison. We at Aesthetic Dentistry are knowledgeable in modern techniques of proper mercury filling removal.

Read more >>> Safe Mercury Filling Removal

Review by Eugene Chapter member:

“I went to Dr. Bowden to have my amalgam filling removed in 2016.  Dr. Bowden and his staff used IAOMT methods for protecting both themselves and me from exposure to mercury.  I had all 8 removed at one time, and other than the expected swelling and numbness I had no other symptoms, and no symptoms of mercury toxicity.  I would recommend Dr. Bowden to others.” – Lisa

Dr. Bowden is a member of IAOMT and listed in the Mercury Free (Amalgam Free) & Mercury Safe Dentistry Directory.


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