May 26: Potluck & Balance, Mobility & Flexibility Presentation


Friday, May 26, 2023


5:30 – visit, set up food & socialize
5:45 – Potluck
6:30 – Presentation


Natural Grocers
201 Coburg Road
Eugene, OR 97401


I Chuan & Neigong for Balance, Mobility & Flexibility

by Barclay Powers

Barclay will demonstrate stance and movements to increase mobility, balance and joint flexibility with 20-30 minutes of simple yet powerful movements done every other day.

He will discuss how you can increase the function and efficacy of your bioelectrical system using breathing, skeletal alignment, posture and mindfulness. These training methods can be tailored to all age groups and ability levels. These ancient Chinese medical exercises are based on opening the energy meridians of the body, which result in increased health, energy and mental acuity. The movements loosen and relax tight painful areas by softening and lengthening the connective tissue, targeting the fascia, tendons and ligaments for increased mobility, agility and overall wellbeing.


Bring enough to share with everyone. Children and guests welcome. All whole foods eating styles are welcome. Bring something that you can eat and we will discuss the ingredients in each dish to give you an opportunity to learn about the ingredients before beginning the meal.

For those new to Weston Price food recommendations and potlucks, check out:

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