December 2020 Newsletter

Greetings all,

How are you doing?  I miss everyone!  I miss our potlucks.  I hope you are hanging in there. Whether it is a blessing or a curse, as the saying goes; “May you live in interesting times”.

In this issue:

I offered last month to include community activities of anyone who wanted to organize or promote an activity, either in person or online. Here are the first two:

I’ve collected a few videos to share.  They are all short and powerful.  Have a listen.


Homeopathy is under attack again.  Please comment to the FDA.

Action Alerts:

And here are a couple recent recipes from our local volunteer, Courtney, and the Recipe of the Week from the Weston A. Price Foundation.  I’ve also included one I ran across on how to cut up a whole chicken, since we’ve had requests for that.


I just had a farm ( contact me requesting to be added to our Farms List.  So I thought I’d remind you, if you are looking for local food, please check these pages.

Local Foods:

Krista from Uproot Meats says they will deliver to Eugene if they get enough orders and is offering a $5 discount.  Use coupon code WAPLOVE before Jan 10th.

I hope to see you in person again real soon.



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