Update from Courtney from Butter for All

A note from Courtney:

Butter for ALL – Traditional Cooking and Real Food Recipes

My family has been through so much the last 5 days. A terrible wind storm, a huge raging fire that nearly burned our house down (and in all honesty still could), coupled with evacuating ourselves and animals, staying in a friend’s house, and not being able to set foot outside due to the choking smoke.

Right now I feel all this pain and frustration for our personal situation, the loss of life and property across the West Coast, and our struggling strangled environment. But I also see glimmers of hope. I see community coming together to donate necessities to the evacuees, farmers and ranchers stepping in to provide machinery, manpower, and livestock feed, people going out of their way to share their homes with the displaced, neighbors watching out for each other, and a strengthened collective resolve to make the best out of a terrible situation.

So even though I’m exhausted, depressed, worn down, and anxious from worry, I’m still cooking. Why? Because food is love, y’all, and even in times of intense unraveling we can nourish ourselves with something substantial. We can nourish our families and friends. We can set aside our differences and lend a helping hand. So I would encourage anyone who still has the strength, to get in the kitchen and make something that nourishes you, and share some with someone who needs nourishing, because we really can’t do this alone. ❤️

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