February 8: Potluck

So far, the results of results of our Potluck Survey indicate that Fridays are good, so this month’s potluck has been scheduled for:

Friday, February 8, 2019

6:30 PM


Natural Grocers
201 Coburg Road
Eugene, OR 97401


Lisa will present photos and information from the Wise Traditions 2018 Conference!

What to bring?

Anything from Nourishing Traditions, the Healthy 4 Life booklet or Recipes of the Week would be wonderful.  A simple homemade meal made from scratch using natural fats is always a great contribution.

Some examples include: a roasted chicken or other meat, meat and vegetable casserole, a dish made with soaked grains, soup using homemade bone broth, pastured egg quiche or other egg dish, organic salad with homemade dressing, steamed or roasted vegetables with butter or cream sauce, fermented vegetables, fresh or cooked fruit with raw whipped cream.  If you come to the potlucks regularly, please try to bring a dish from a different category every so often.

Bring enough to share with everyone and be sure to include some traditional fats!

Children and guests welcome.  Please bring dishes and serving utensils for your dish.  Thanks!

For more information see: Potlucks or Wise Traditions Conference 2018 Presentations

If you haven’t already given us your feedback on When should we have Potlucks? please go do that now.

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