From the Editor: November 2015

Hi all,

There are three great events coming up in November. Two local in Eugene and the National conference in Anaheim, California.

Julie and Charlie Tilt, co-owners of Hummingbird Wholesale, have a long involvement with the Weston A. Price Foundation. Julie was the first WAPF chapter leader, right here in Eugene! She worked to bring Sally Fallon to Eugene in 1999 for a live presentation of The Oiling of America, at the Eugene Waldorf school. Julie stepped down in 2007 when Lisa and Victoria offered to take over as co-chapter leaders, leaving Julie and Charlie free to build Hummingbird Wholesale into an award winning company, providing high quality bulk goods.

Join us to learn more about this local company.

How can we restore digestive (gut) integrity  and immunity to those who are damaged by processed foods and modern medicine? Robert Scott Bell will reveal protocols he has used clinically, based on properties revealed in the scientific literature on inflammation reduction, immune modulation and tissue regeneration. Novel, new ways to use whole foods (including bone broths), homeopathy and trace minerals (including silver hydrosol) will be shared.

It is time once again for the annual conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation.  This year the conference will be held in Anaheim, California.  I will be attending this year and highly recommend it for anyone who wants to be surrounded by people who share a passion for great food and nutrition.  The Foundation may still be offering some scholarships.  The food and the speakers are wonderful.  I have written about past conferences.  You can see photos and read more here:

See our website for more info:

Information will appear first on our website, before this newsletter comes out, and all of the newsletter posts are archived on the web:

If you ever find links that are not working, always check the website for corrections.

 Until next time!

– Lisa

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