July 23: The Fourfold Approach to Cancer – part 2

by Tom Cowan, MD

Friday, July 23, 2010
6:30 to 8:30 PM

Market of Choice
67 West 29th, Eugene
Upstairs in the Community Room

This is the second part of the DVD we showed in June. This DVD was recorded at the 2009 Wise Traditions Conference.

“An overview of cancer from the perspective of the work of Weston Price. This presentation will include a description of the “true” cause of cancer and explore the shortfalls of conventional diagnosis (including biopsy) and treatment.”Thomas Cowan, MD is a physician in private medical practice in San Francisco, California. He is a frequent lecturer around the country on health and nutrition. His book, The Fourfold Path to Healing, was published in 2004. Dr. Cowan serves on the Board of Directors of The Weston A. Price Foundation. Visit his website at www.fourfoldhealing.com.

Dr. Cowan is a frequent contributor to the Wise Traditions Journal, and if you have never had the opportunity to hear Dr. Cowan speak I highly recommend it. His talks defy easy description, combining medical knowledge and anthroposophy, with an entertaining story-telling style. In this presentation he covers the great questions of what causes cancer, the immune system, the digestive system, the ecological effects of civilization, the future of humanity and much more. Come see for yourself.

Dinner and a Movie:
You are welcome to buy food downstairs in Market of Choice or (shh, don’t tell them I told you this) bring something from home to eat in the room.

We need to have at least 5 people RSVP in order to reserve the space at Market of Choice, and there is a maximum of 25 seats available. So I urge you to RSVPĀ  if you think you will be attending. If your plans change, always feel free to just show up.

We are requesting a $5-10 donation to the Eugene Chapter at the door.
(No one should miss a showing because of cost, so a sliding scale for low-income people is $1-4 or volunteer to help the Eugene Chapter).

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