May 2019: From the Editor

Hi all,

Here is a rundown of what is happening this month.

Local people are continuing to go up to Salem this week to let Reps and Senators know how we feel about HB 3063.  If you would like to find out more, contact Stacey at the number below:

Action Alert: HB 3063 has passed Ways & Means Committee

Dear Friends,

Since I wrote you last, HB 3063 has advanced through the Ways and Means Committee and it only has two votes left, one in the full house and one in the full senate. You will not have a vote.  We are running out of time.  It is expected to pass in two weeks.  We need you, now, to take a stand against this bill loudly and boldly.  We need more people to help us turn the ship around. If good people do nothing it will pass.

We need 15 no votes in the Senate and right now we have 13.  Our three Eugene area senators can collectively stop this bill.

HB 3063 will take away a parent’s right to delay, space out, or skip even ONE vaccine if they want their child to attend daycare, preschool, or any K-12 public or private school in Oregon.  

This bill promotes fear and hate.  It takes away a child’s access to a free and equitable education.  It segregates them. It is coercive and it prohibits informed consent.  This bill is too extreme.

The truth is that Oregon has high vaccination rates, above 95% of school children in Oregon are fully vaccinated.  Those numbers have been consistently high for many years. Only 2.6% of school children are unvaccinated. 

You can be pro-vaccine and be against this bill.  I wholeheartedly care about personal and public health.  There are many more positive ways our state can cultivate improved personal and public health.

Here are three things you can help:

  1. Please forward this email to all of your friends and family members who might care.  
  2. Every one of your voices needs to be heard!  Call your State Senator and tell them that you are their constituent and you want them to oppose HB 3063.  If you are a democrat please let them know that too. The Senators for the Eugene area are:
  • Floyd Prozanski  503-986-1704
  • Lee Beyer  503-986-1706
  • James Manning 503-986-1707

3.  Write a letter to your editor, do you know someone in the media who might be willing to do a piece on this, who in your network might be able to help us get the word out about this fast moving legislation?

If you don’t know who your Senator is you can easily find out by clicking on this link and entering your address:

(Even if you plan to homeschool or move if this bill passes.  Call your Senator and let them know you will not be coerced into making medical decisions and that you want them to oppose HB 3063.)

Feel free to reach out for more information or support.  


Stacey Black


To learn more about this bill and what you can do to help:

More info: HB 3063

May 10: Potluck

Friday, May 10, 2019

6:00 – 8:00 PM


Natural Grocers
201 Coburg Road
Eugene, OR 97401


To be determined.  What would you like to see?

What to bring?

Anything from Nourishing Traditions, the Healthy 4 Life booklet or Recipes of the Week would be wonderful.  A simple homemade meal made from scratch using natural fats is always a great contribution.

Some examples include: a roasted chicken or other meat, meat and vegetable casserole, a dish made with soaked grains, soup using homemade bone broth, pastured egg quiche or other egg dish, organic salad with homemade dressing, steamed or roasted vegetables with butter or cream sauce, fermented vegetables, fresh or cooked fruit with raw whipped cream.  If you come to the potlucks regularly, please try to bring a dish from a different category every so often.

Bring enough to share with everyone and be sure to include some traditional fats!

Children and guests welcome.  Please bring dishes and serving utensils for your dish.  Thanks!

For more information see: Potlucks

May 24: DVD – Supplements, Sleep, and Stress Management

by Laura Schoenfeld

Friday, May 24, 2019

DVD begins at 6:00 PM


Natural Grocers
201 Coburg Road
Eugene, OR 97401


Part III: Supplements, Sleep, and Stress Management for Promoting A Healthy HPA-Axis

Stress is one of the biggest contributors to chronic health issues and poor quality of life. Did you know that your diet and lifestyle can play a huge role in how your body responds to stress? After working one-on-one with hundreds of clients, Laura Schoenfeld, MPH, RD has found that under-eating, overly restrictive dieting, inappropriate exercise, and inadequate attention to sleep and stress management is rampant in patients who are hoping to solve their health concerns through functional medicine and real food. In this seminar, Laura will teach you the five most important lifestyle factors that will influence the way your body responds to stress, maximize your energy and mental wellbeing, and improve your body’s ability to heal itself from chronic conditions.

Laura Schoenfeld is a registered dietitian trained in functional medical nutrition therapy. She draws from a variety of sources to form her philosophy on nutrition, including ancestral diets, principles of biochemistry, current research, and clinical experience. She helps her clients identify and implement diet and lifestyle changes that will allow them to live a healthy, fit, symptom-free life, without being consumed by thoughts of food and exercise. She loves Sundays at her church, hikes with her dog, beach trips, live music, and heavy weight training.

Please see for more information.

Cost: Free (Donations requested)

Donations of any amounts to the Eugene Chapter, Weston A. Price Foundation are appreciated.
$5-10 suggested for those who can afford it, and $1-4 for low-income.
(Please also volunteer to help the Eugene Chapter).

Want to see the DVD, but can’t attend?

Purchase your own copy from Fleetwood Onsite Recording:

29654 – STRESS PROOF: Creating a Diet and Lifestyle to Recover From “Adrenal Fatigue” or HPA-D  $55.00

Purchased video includes all three parts:

  • Part I: Defining “Stress” and the 4 Main Triggers of Adrenal Fatigue (HPA-D) (Shown October 26th, 2018)
  • Part II: How Diet and Exercise Help (or Harm) Your HPA Axis Function (Shown January 25th, 2019)
  • Part III: Supplements, Sleep, and Stress Management for Promoting A Healthy HPA-Axis

The Weston A. Price Foundation Newsletter

March 2019

WISE TRADITIONS 2019 CONFERENCE – Mark your calendars!

We have picked a place! Our 20th annual conference will be held outside Dallas, Texas on November 15-17, 2019 with the guided farm visit on Monday, November 18!

We will be at the Delta Hotel by Marriott, a beautiful new hotel in Allen, Texas. Details will follow soon.


We have a new trifold on the dangers of vaccines! You may print it out [link] or order it from us [link]. This is a great way to warn parents about vaccine ingredients; includes information on building natural immunity in your children.

You can also help by signing a White House petition for an independent vaccine safety commission. It only takes a minute to let your voice be heard.  You can sign the petition [here].


Due to increased censorship on social media of content that questions the safety and efficacy of vaccinations, we have set up a public page on MeWe! Download the app or use a browser to join MeWe: and then follow our page: This is the QR code as another option to follow us:

Pinterest no longer allows anyone to pin any of the articles or pages from our website even if it they are not about vaccines, and YouTube has restricted channels and videos that focus on the risks of vaccines. We will continue to post on Facebook and YouTube as long as we can in addition to posting on MeWe. We are excited to have an alternative platform established and hope you’ll join us!


Please join WAPF in supporting a documentary film on the importance of animal foods and healthy traditional fats: Big Fat Lie: How America’s Plan for Eating Got it So Wrong. See the trailer and donation request here:


We will continue our offer to current members to receive a free membership. If you give two NEW gift memberships, let us know and we will renew your membership for free for one year.  (This amounts to three memberships for $80.)


As a member, you can join the community in our closed Facebook group. If you wish to join, please send a request to join the group at this link (be sure to answer the questions provided):

May 2: Generation Zapped movie

Generation Zapped movie    Thursday, May 2  6 PM – 8 PM

Bijou Art Cinemas
492 E 13th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97401

Adult $8.50 Senior/Student $6.50   

Eugene, Oregon Screening of Generation Zapped

Hosted by Generation Zapped and Encircle Films

William Collinge, PhD, and a Families for SAFE Technology rep will participate in discussion, Q/A.

Tickets (can usually bought at the door too)

Don’t miss this screening of Generation Zapped in Oregon! An eye-opening documentary examines possible health risks of wireless technology by asking the following questions:

What does medical science tell us about the possible health risks of cellphones, wireless devices, smart meters, and Wi-Fi? How can I protect my family? How can the agencies tasked with protecting us, fail to do so, and be unwilling to update arbitrary standards? Why is Wi-Fi in public schools? Why hasn’t any of it, including the new 5G technology popping up on telephone poles in your neighborhood, had proper pre-market testing?

Do we know true costs of living in a wireless age?

Watch trailer:

Encircle Films strives to raise social awareness through media.

We have not come here to beg the world’s leaders to care for our future. They have ignored us in the past and they will ignore us again. We have come here to let them know that change is coming whether they like it or not. The people will rise to the challenge.” – Greta Thunberg

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