Kristi Cooke

Kristi Cooke, NTP, CPN
Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
27267 Clear Lake Rd
Eugene, OR 97402

Phone: (541)654-1418
Phone: (541)689-3006

Nutritional Therapy is beneficial in many ways for people of any age or condition. A balanced body that runs efficiently can function better and bring you more energy, better sleep, less illness, as well as a better quality of life.

Nutritional therapy sessions can do much more than help people with food choices. Nutritional intervention can have a positive impact on a variety of health conditions such as:

  • Digestive Issues
  • Fatigue and Low Energy
  • Hormonal Problems
  • Headaches
  • Thyroid Issues
  • Menopausal and PMS Symptoms
  • Skin Problems
  • Frequent Illnesses and Infections
  • Sugar Handling and Diabetes
  • Sleep and Stress Issues
  • Weight Loss
  • Asthma and Hayfever
  • Food Allergies
  • Mood Disorders
  • Detoxification

Each client is given a unique and thorough evaluation to determine individual nutritional needs through a variety of techniques including a detailed interview and health history, symptom assessment questionnaire, food journals, physical evaluation, energy testing, lingual-neural testing, as well as laboratory testing when needed.

Clients are then coached and given recommendations for diet, lifestyle and supplement choices to benefit their unique needs.

Education is key to understanding and improving one’s health. Each client will learn to understand his/her own body better, enabling them to take control of their health – whether it is making choices at the grocery store, asking questions at the doctor’s office, being able to proactively work with and better understand specific health issues, or simply desiring to have healthier eating habits.

I work with clients to bring them to balanced health, empowering them to take control of their health through education, coaching, evaluation and supplementation. I have taught classes on a variety of nutritional subjects and have helped teach a nutritional practitioner program for the Association of Applied Nutrition. My strongest desire is to see others gain knowledge, information and power in order to improve their own health.

I’d love to share this with you – won’t you call or send me an email for an appointment?

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates


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