November 2013: From the Editor

Hi all,

First of all some announcements:

Variety Meats Class Special – Discount for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers!

We would like to offer the special price of $22.50 for pregnant and nursing mothers who would like to attend our Variety Meats Class.

Nutrient-dense organ meats are a vital component of a healthy diet for growing children.   We know that raising healthy children in this modern toxic world is a challenge.  It is also one of the most important jobs that anyone can have for bringing about a better future for the world.  Thank you.

We will cover WHY to eat variety meats, WHERE to buy locally, and HOW to prepare and enjoy these wonderful foods.  All participants receive a recipe booklet, tasty samples, demos of recipes and time for Q&A.

Register Now!

In other news,

Next DVD Showing December 6th:

The Market of Choice has blocked off several weeks in November and December when they are not allowing anyone to use the Community Room.  There will be no Popcorn Review in November.  The only day available that works for us is December 6th.  This is much earlier in the month than we usually have them, so please put it on your calendars now.  We will be showing a presentation from the 2013 Oregon Regional Conference: “Maintaining Joint Health as We Age” by Dale Jacobson, DC.

Special day for Potluck:

We’ve had a request to move our regular Monday potlucks to another day.  We are trying it out this month on Wednesday.  Please Vote in our Poll and let us know what you think of the idea of a change to Wednesdays.

Events this month:

Also in this Issue:

As always, if you have any trouble with a link, just go to our homepage for the newsletter and scroll down:

Visit our Websites:

And be sure to visit both the websites produced by the Eugene Chapter, Weston A. Price Foundation: &

There is lots of information to be found on these websites.  From where to find local food, to links to articles, to locating local health practitioners, to recommended reading and more.

Hope to see you all at a local event soon!

– Lisa

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