Free Class: Medicine Cabinet Makeover – Nov 26th

This comes to us from semi-local WAPF members, Wade & Kristie Olsen of  C’est Naturelle Farms.  They are offering a FREE class:

Have you ever wondered the difference between Modern Medicine, and Nature’s Medicine? How do Essential Oils kill Viruses? What are the 3 ways to use these oils? Did you know it is Safer, Cheaper, and more Effective to fill your Medicine Cabinet with Nature’s Medicine?

Would you like to know the Essential Oils you can use to replace Over the Counter Drugs? We have a whole list of replacements. COME FIND OUT WHAT YOU CAN DO TO BE PREVENTFUL WITH SOME DAILY RECOMMENDED HEALTH HABITS. Hear it from the mouth who was saved with Nutrition, and Natural Medicine.

Market Of Choice on 29th Ave.
Monday Nov. 26th.
7:00-9:00 PM

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